Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Bone Wedding

A few weeks ago Loren, Brian and I flew to LA to video/record, and bridesmaid(respectively) Anne Marie and Tristan's wedding. 

Anne Marie and I met in 2008 on the floor of the math building at UCLA. We had both accidentally signed up for the worst honors linear algebra class in the department and were trying to get this guy Andrew to help us with the homework 10 minutes before it was due. 

I didn't really want to like her at first because she had perfect hair and was suspiciously nicer than any math major I had ever met. But I soon realized she was both genuinely friendly and way smarter than I would ever be. Her family is also nice and smart and so is her now-husband Tristan. She basically told/hinted/implied they were going to get married from the first time she mentioned him to me. I was eating a piece of homemade berry cake her mom had sent her home with and she pulled out her high school graduation dress, declaring that it was what she would get married in. She eventually changed her mind about the dress but not Tristan ;)

The Crew : 

Sneak Peek I made (the real video is coming. Brian and Loren shot something like 7 hours of video between them and it is taking a while to go through) :

bone wedding - sneek peek from emily rowe on Vimeo.