Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Trying to get back to blogging. 

Updates : 
got a marimo moss ball!!  

 have had a cold for 4 weeks gahhh 
 tray of dim sum at jook time (it is all mine)
 while i was sick i didn't really have energy to go buy food..or make food..so brian gave me a bunch of black bean ramen. i got pretty good at making it delicious. (above is first attempt)
second attempt (added onions and peas)

 enchilada night!(michelle is enchilada master)

 how coffee is served in hayes valley.
 my new juicer. i watched fat sick and nearly dead while i was...sick.. and a little fat...and decided the main reason it was taking so long for me to get well was my lack of micronutrients.
dinner tonight - spinach kale carrot apple cucumber lime juice and a slice of homemade bread.