Thursday, April 15, 2010


this box has a farrr way to travel, but it is sure to bring lots of smiles to lots of my favorite santa cruz kids. today was spent in the computer lab finishing up all my homework so i can get off to an early start tomorrow!

i also tried making yakisoba at my parents house this afternoon as i finished some last minute laundry. it turned out sooo yummy and i was so upset that i didn't have my camera :(

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

basically my life struggle right now. school vs. crafting
even though my shop is kind of fizzling, i still have so many new ideas for headbands so i refuse to give up!

i also would really like to find a nice skirt pattern and make a bunch in different springy colors. urbn has this one skirt that comes in all these vintage patterns and i really think i could replicate it pretty easily. i think a trip to l.a. fashion district is in order...

tonight i am taking (yet another) break from homework to go bday bar scouting in santa monica with my dear friend annie. she is planning to invite 35 people to her 22nd bday shindig! so we have to find somewhere fun and big enough to accommodate that many people. and of course we'll have to sample some beverages haha.

this weekend is pretty intense too-i am driving up to santa cruz for ANOTHER friends birthday. It will be one last hurrah before i really have to buckle down and take this quarter's studies seriously.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


hi! i'm emily and i am a senior applied math major at ucla. i love to craft and explore the cities i live in, so i created this blog to share my discoveries and current inspirations.

so...i guess i'll jump right into it. this weekend i drove down to san diego, not only to visit one of my very best friends lindsay:
but to attend a shopper....not a vendor but maybe one day i will figure out this whole etsy business and actually get a successful shop going. (its been about 2 months and no buyers yet :( )

Anyway, thread was pretty cool, but it was yearly-warehouse-sample-sale-camp-outside-at-2am packed and the layout of the event was...not quite massive crowd lots of accidental shoving and table pushing! all in the name of independent handmade art though so i guess it was worth it.

i met danni from (oh, hello friend.) who's blog actually sparked my impromptu sd weekend and was the very first blog i ever started to follow (yet another awesome thing about etsy-i found the blog after finding her shop after searching and searching for a tree necklace). she was sooooo sweet! there was a giant hoard of people at her table but she took the time to chat, get my etsy shop name and even added a freebie to my pile of jewelry that i was buying from her!

i wish i had taken some pictures...i'm working on taking my clunky camera with me more to places i go so hopefully my little blog here will get a little more colorful! now i'm back home in la with a pile of logic and numerical methods homework to do. the weekend is over...